FeetUp Asana Basics: Warrior I

Downward Facing Dog: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog is a dynamic pose that is both inverted and grounded at the same time. Here are a few tips on how to explore Adho Mukha Svasana using your FeetUp Trainer.
Forward Folds With Your FeetUp Trainer

Forward Folds With Your FeetUp Trainer

Even though forward folds look simple, they can be surprisingly challenging!
Here are five great poses to help build flexibility (and patience) in paschimottanasana with your FeetUp Trainer.
Daniel Scott
Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Healthy backbends require more than flexibility and balance. Reinvent your wheel pose with these 5 dynamic FeetUp exercises for more comfort, space, and control in spinal extensions.
Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

How we carry ourselves in tadasana is essentially how we carry ourselves through life. Why not take some of the guesswork out? Seated Mountain pose with your FeetUp Trainer helps find proper right foot placement and focus more on internal alignment.
How to Avoid Cervical Compression and the Dangers of Headstand

How to Avoid Cervical Compression and the Dangers of Headstand

Did you know the average human head weighs about 10 pounds? When it comes to practicing inversions, it's important to use your head to make the right decisions, not for supporting your bodyweight!
As Above, So Below: Spinal FeetUp Wall Flow

As Above, So Below: Spinal FeetUp Wall Flow

Here is a short sequence to explore how to transition from grounded movement into inverted poses with your FeetUp Trainer.
Forward Head Posture: Put Your Smartphone Down, Get Your FeetUp!

Forward Head Posture: Put Your Smartphone Down, Get Your FeetUp!

Forward Head Posture is a repetitive stress injury stemming from excessive texting, viewing, or everyday operation of a handheld device for extended periods of time. Learn more about how your FeetUp Trainer can help you avoid long-term repercussions!