Here is a short sequence that explores how one can translate grounded movement into their inverted poses.

Use the lifted cat/cow spinal wave in the beginning to wake up the muscles and listen to your joints (shoulders, elbows, knees, hips, and all yer facts between each vertebrae) to pinpoint the proper distance from the wall to the trainer.

When you are ready to walk up, make sure your feet can be firmly planted against the wall (with flexed ankles) without feeling like you're pushing into or falling away from it. You'll know when your hips are reasonably stacked over your shoulders because it should feel stable and grounded with less need to use your hands to find balance.

When extending and flexing your cervical spine (AKA lifting and lowering your chin), there is no need to go fast or test the limit of your comfort zone! Start with slow, controlled movements and gently expand the range of motion. Pay attention to how the rest of your body feels during the movement-- particularly your torso and feet!

Your main focus should be replicating the controlled movement of a stable cat/cow motion while inverted, not showing off how bendy or amazing you think you may be ;)

If some of the material shown may seem hard to do at first, let this sequence also act as a great opportunity to learn to use the wall as a spotter in a different way. If you are nervous about toppling over backwards, don't lift your feet away from the wall or towards the ceiling!

Oktober 14, 2019 — Daniel Scott