The FeetUp Guide to Cork Rollers

The FeetUp Guide to Cork Rollers

Rolling is a great way to release tension and increase flexibility. Firmer and more durable than foam, cork is the perfect material to support a healthy self-care practice!

Warrior Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Virabhadrasana

Warrior Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Virabhadrasana

Even though warrior pose may look simple, there are many internal forces at play. Virabahdrasana becomes so much easier to enjoy for longer periods of time with your FeetUp Trainer. Learn how to embrace your warrior spirit!
Daniel Scott
childs pose feetup asana basics header

Child's Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Balasana

Child's pose is perfect when you need a little "me time" throughout the day. Balasana invites us to put our heads down to check in whenever things get a little wild! Here is everything you need to know to enjoy child's pose with your FeetUp Trainer.
FeetUp Asana Basics: Warrior I

Downward Facing Dog: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog is a dynamic pose that is both inverted and grounded at the same time. Here are a few tips on how to explore Adho Mukha Svasana using your FeetUp Trainer.
FeetUp Guide to Grounded Inversions

The FeetUp Guide to Grounded Inversions

Keeping your feet on the ground during an inversion is a great way to build body awareness and confidence. Here are a few tips to stay focused and grounded with your FeetUp Trainer whenever life turns upside down!
Forward Folds With Your FeetUp Trainer

Forward Folds With Your FeetUp Trainer

Even though forward folds look simple, they can be surprisingly challenging!
Here are five great poses to help build flexibility (and patience) in paschimottanasana with your FeetUp Trainer.
Daniel Scott
8 Sculpting Exercises to Tone and Shape Your Glutes

Tone and Shape Your Glutes With These 8 Butt Sculpting Exercises

Get ready to kick your own butt into gear! Grab your FeetUp Trainer (and a set of resistance bands) and check out these 8 great exercises that shape and tone your glutes.
Jean Jacques Gabriel FeetUp Teacher Profile Header Image

Jean-Jacques Gabriel: FeetUp Teacher Profile

We absolutely love how Jean-Jacques teaches embodied movement that invites everyone to be at home in their own bodies with authority and power. Learn more about his amazing style here!
hardcore exercises for hard core strength

Hardcore Exercises for Hard Core Strength

Building healthy core strength is a marathon, not a sprint. Big thanks to James Fowler for sharing his favorite FeetUp Trainer core strength exercises!
Better Forward Folds in 3 Easy Steps

Better Forward Folds in 3 Easy Steps

When it comes to better forward folds: deep ≠ good. Want for more freedom and less soreness in your lower back? Grab a set of FeetUp Cork Blocks and practice these 3 easy tips for better forward folds in your yoga practice.
stretching for cyclists cover

Stretching for Cyclists: 7 Exercises for Posture & Flexibility

Riding a bike is a great workout for building strength and developing good cardio health. It's important to take time after each ride to stretch so your body can recover. Check out our favorite stretches for cyclists with the FeetUp Trainer!
feetup partner drills in the park

FeetUp Partner Drills

Share a yoga practice with someone you love with these fun and flowing FeetUp Partner Drills.