Forward Folds With Your FeetUp Trainer

Forward Folds With Your FeetUp Trainer

Even though forward folds look simple, they can be surprisingly challenging!
Here are five great poses to help build flexibility (and patience) in paschimottanasana with your FeetUp Trainer.
Daniel Scott
8 Sculpting Exercises to Tone and Shape Your Glutes

Tone and Shape Your Glutes With These 8 Butt Sculpting Exercises

Get ready to kick your own butt into gear! Grab your FeetUp Trainer (and a set of resistance bands) and check out these 8 great exercises that shape and tone your glutes.
Better Forward Folds in 3 Easy Steps

Better Forward Folds in 3 Easy Steps

When it comes to better forward folds: deep ≠ good. Want for more freedom and less soreness in your lower back? Grab a set of FeetUp Cork Blocks and practice these 3 easy tips for better forward folds in your yoga practice.
Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose (utkatasana) is a standing balance that builds leg strength and shoulder flexibility. Do you like to pretend to sit in a chair without having a chair to actually sit in? Grab your FeetUp Trainer and let's go!