Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

How we carry ourselves in tadasana is essentially how we carry ourselves through life. Why not take some of the guesswork out? Seated Mountain pose with your FeetUp Trainer helps find proper right foot placement and focus more on internal alignment.
3 FeetUp Exercises to Improve Balance & Body Awareness

3 FeetUp Exercises to Improve Balance & Body Awareness

Body awareness is the understanding of your physical body in relation to the world in which it exists. Here are some great tips for building balance in your FeetUp practice!
Daniel Scott
Stichworte: Category_Articles
Savasana: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Corpse Pose

Savasana: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Corpse Pose

Savasana is a potent yoga posture that provides reflective space for the nervous system to reset while whatever you've worked on settles in the body. Here are some tips to make the most of corpse pose with the FeetUp Trainer.
How to Find the Most Comfortable Shoulder Position With Your FeetUp Trainer

How to Find the Most Comfortable Shoulder Position With Your FeetUp Trainer

Starting a new movement practice will challenge your body in many new ways. Here's how to find proper shoulder position and alignment while inverted on your FeetUp Trainer.
Being Seen & Heard: The Power of Listening

Being Seen & Heard: The Power of Listening

Learning how to hold space for others begins by exploring your own. Here are some tips to guide self-inquiry outside the classroom that help you be more present when it's time to step in front of one.
How Much Weight Can Your FeetUp Trainer Support?

How Much Weight Can Your FeetUp Trainer Support?

Safety is the most important part of a balanced FeetUp practice. Learn more how to safely use the FeetUp Trainer to build trust in movement!
How to Avoid Cervical Compression and the Dangers of Headstand

How to Avoid Cervical Compression and the Dangers of Headstand

Did you know the average human head weighs about 10 pounds? When it comes to practicing inversions, it's important to use your head to make the right decisions, not for supporting your bodyweight!
FeetUp Pranayama: Full Yogic Breath

Basic Pranayama: The Full Yogic Breath

Want to learn a great basic pranayama practice with your FeetUp Trainer? Follow these easy steps and deeply connect with your Full Yogic Breath.

Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose (utkatasana) is a standing balance that builds leg strength and shoulder flexibility. Do you like to pretend to sit in a chair without having a chair to actually sit in? Grab your FeetUp Trainer and let's go!
The Yoga of Sustainability

The Yoga of Sustainability

A sustainable practice does not sacrifice long-term vitality for short-term gain. Learn more about how FeetUp's commitment to wholistic sustainability.
Daniel Scott
Stichworte: Category_Articles
What Does it Mean to be Ethically Vegan?

What Does it Mean to be Ethically Vegan?

Sustainability is one of FeetUp’s highest priorities! We treat our suppliers fairly, invest back into the communities that support our production, and have carefully crafted an ethically vegan item that contains no animal products. Learn more about what that means here. 
Forward Head Posture: Put Your Smartphone Down, Get Your FeetUp!

Forward Head Posture: Put Your Smartphone Down, Get Your FeetUp!

Forward Head Posture is a repetitive stress injury stemming from excessive texting, viewing, or everyday operation of a handheld device for extended periods of time. Learn more about how your FeetUp Trainer can help you avoid long-term repercussions!